Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Moving to Wordpress

For those of you following my blog (officially and unofficially), I am moving this to wordpress.com

My address there will be:


You can click HERE now and sign up to follow me on Wordpress...I am really going to try to keep it more updated with the move.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My first day of school...

Today was my first day of school. Not as the student, but as the teacher. That's right...today was my first day as a substitute teacher. This particular day, I was an art teacher. Those of you that know me well should stop laughing. Those of you who don't know why everyone would be laughing should check out my artistic skills sometime ;-).

I have decided that one of my favorite parts of being a sub will be to sit back and eavesdrop. It is amazing the things that they decide to discuss. I had lots of ages in class: 2nd, 4th, Middle School, and High school. The middle school and high school classes were supposed to work on a project. That, of course, meant that it was a great time to catch up on the school gossip, which ranged from kids with gambling problems to who "liked" who to which teachers were giving too much homework.

The elementary kids were the crazy groups. I only have one thing to say: God Bless Elementary Teachers. I only had to survive 50 minutes at a time before shipping them back to their drill serg...er...I mean teachers. Those little guys were crazy! Their assignment was to "free draw". This was a valid request for about 5 minutes. After that, their imaginations were much more apt to manifest themselves into proteges of the cast of Glee than Van Gogh or Picasso. It really turned more into comedy hour with me trying to entertain them with a mixture of crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. It was touch and go, but we all survived (me, the kids, the tables, the chairs, etc.).

Thanks to all the teachers out there that "entertained" me when there was nothing else they could do. You deserve an apple...probably an orchard full.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Book Review: The Selfless Gene by Charles Foster

Science. Religion. Darwin. Genesis. Opponents, Allies, or neither?

I was hoping to get some good insights on the debate between evolution and creation by reading this book. Unfortunately, I was disappointed. Here's why:

1. The back of the book claims "intelligent, provocative, and highly readable". I thought that the book was written above what a normal "lay" reader would be able to enjoy or easily read. It was pretty scientific, which I was ok with but the normal un-scientific person may find dull and hard to read - especially before bed :-)
2. I completely agree that science and Christianity/Creationism can "live at peace". However, I completely disagree with the face that evolution and Genesis can be compatible. I think that this is evolutionary propaganda masquerading as "Christian Thought". I agree that there should be healthy conversation on the topic and its ok to have differing opinons, but Science and the Bible are two things that should be grounded in absolutes. Theories may be ok in science, but there is no room for "alternate interpretations" of the Bible. It is truth. It is literal, and any other interpretation of Genesis is inaccurate.

3. It is dangerous territory when we begin trying to fit the Bible into the popular consensus of our culture rather than evaluatiing culture based on what the bible says.

Overall, I thought the book was interesting. I went into it thinking I would like it and it did give me a perspective on the viewpoint of the author that I didn't have before. However, I still disagree with his conclusions and his view. If you are a Christian and you are reading this book, be careful. Search scripture first, then see what you have to say about the opinions in this book. Evolution and Christianity do not line up, no matter what this book may claim.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fiction, in Fact...

I have been thinking a lot about my Evolution professor and his lecture from yesterday. For the most part, I have gotten along with him and his "ideals". Though I don't agree with most of his "beliefs", in fact I think he is dead wrong on many things, I can respect his opinion and pray that someday he comes to his senses :-)

However, yesterday he went beyond his beliefs, beyond his ideals and began to talk about what science was and how it related to intelligent design and religion. It really bothered me. A lot.

When you disagree with me it is one thing. When you interpret the facts differently than I do, I can handle it, even if I don't agree with it. But when you flat out lie to me (and the rest of the class), I lose my respect for you and for your words.

And so was the case yesterday. I was so upset. How can such an intelligent person be so lost? How can you know everything that you know and yet teach something as fact that you know is a fictional story at best?

The debate over teaching intelligent design and evolution in the classroom is a topic for a whole other set of posts and I don't want to get into it here. I believe that one is true and one is a made up story, but again, I won't get it into it.

However, I do have a problem when LIES make their way into the classroom with the sole purpose of keeping intelligent design at bay. If you have to make things up and teach Fiction as Fact in order to prevent people from thinking a certain way, you have no business being a teacher.

Paul warned Timothy that these teachers would come. He also wrote in Romans 1:23 that this battle began long ago, when the TRUTH was exchanged for the LIE. Sad. So many smart people being dooped into believing something that isn't true. I pray that those of you reading this aren't relying on fiction as fact.

Keep praying - Ryan

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How to Reach Your Full Potential for God

In his new book, published by Thomas Nelson, Charles Stanley hits another home run. How to Reach Your Full Potential for God comes across as a personal, inspirational and meaningful charge to Christians.

In a world where laziness and apathy reign, even among Christ-followers, this book challenges Christians to do something. Failure is a part of life, and Stanley points out that we have to use our failures as a means to finding the path God has created for us.

This book is one that I will no doubt come back to many times over the course of my life as a source of encouragement during those times when confidence is low and frustration is high.

I was able to review this book as a member of Thomas Nelson’s Book Review Blogger program http://brb.thomasnelson.com/