I have decided that one of my favorite parts of being a sub will be to sit back and eavesdrop. It is amazing the things that they decide to discuss. I had lots of ages in class: 2nd, 4th, Middle School, and High school. The middle school and high school classes were supposed to work on a project. That, of course, meant that it was a great time to catch up on the school gossip, which ranged from kids with gambling problems to who "liked" who to which teachers were giving too much homework.
The elementary kids were the crazy groups. I only have one thing to say: God Bless Elementary Teachers. I only had to survive 50 minutes at a time before shipping them back to their drill serg...er...I mean teachers. Those little guys were crazy! Their assignment was to "free draw". This was a valid request for about 5 minutes. After that, their imaginations were much more apt to manifest themselves into proteges of the cast of Glee than Van Gogh or Picasso. It really turned more into comedy hour with me trying to entertain them with a mixture of crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. It was touch and go, but we all survived (me, the kids, the tables, the chairs, etc.).
Thanks to all the teachers out there that "entertained" me when there was nothing else they could do. You deserve an apple...probably an orchard full.